Tuesday, January 3, 2012


solecism \ SOL-uh-siz-uhm \ , noun;

1. A breach of good manners or etiquette.
2. Any error, impropriety, or inconsistency.

This little diddy came together quite quickly, actually. I didn't get to today's Word until my lunch-break, and as I sat there shoveling my meal into face I considered what etiquette meant to me (ironically), or more precisely, what images it conjured. I was instantly bombarded with clips of cliched Elizabethan Era opulence, and banquet tables loaded with elegant foods and dishes. I then thought of the most detestable, ill-mannered creature, and here we end up with an improper Royal Rat who embarrassingly overindulged in the day's festivities.

Besides the obvious fact that rats love to scavenge for and devour food (and thus are more than qualified for this illustration), it was honestly an easy reference to a prior illustration, one of last year's Word.A.Day illustrations. Plus these little critters are quite fun to draw...

And in case you were wondering, I was not consuming cake or strawberries for my lunch as I assembled today's drawing, though I did have some grilled chicken....with pineapple salsa. 

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