Wednesday, January 4, 2012


corvine \ kor-vin\, adjective

1. of or relating to the crows: resembling a crow.

If you are familiar with my art, you know I was stoked for this word. I literally had to remind myself to keep it simple, however, instead of going crazy on feather designs and details like I intended. 
Of course, being an Alaskan, I had to focus on our beloved ravens, which are conveniently (for me) part of the Corvidae family. To simplify it, I began to consider the raven's silhouette, and then the concept of the skeleton presented itself from the phonetics of the word itself, reading as "core" of corvine. Once the concept was formed, the excitement to sit down and draw this had to sit and percolate all afternoon, being unable to hash it out on my lunch break today (I wish errands ran themselves). Eagerly I waited for the clock to turn, once again distracted by my thoughts...I don't know how I still have a job when I'm such a daydreamer...

And I know it's not anatomically correct, but now I am intrigued enough to find me a real skeleton to do a study of...

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