Wednesday, January 11, 2012


pullulate \ puhl-yuh-leyt\, verb:

1. to germinate or sprout, to breed or produce freely.
2. to swarm or teem.

I was initially intrigued with swarm, allowing my head to, yes, swarm with ideas and possible concepts... I actually had to reel in the teeming thoughts in order to focus and accomplish today's Word.

While pondering the sprout element, and juxtaposing those thoughts with swarm or teem, I instantly recalled the ubiquitous dandelion and it's glorious puff, known to produce freely and rapidly colonize your yard. I took it to the next level by allowing the parachutes to bloom on their own as they drift carelessly, implying that they themselves will produce freely, maybe even before they land...

can you imagine it? Dandelions producing dandelions producing dandelions.... an epidemic of puffs and petals.

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